Golden Principles (3)
Golden Principles (3)
Hello and welcome to GOLDEN PRINCIPLES page number three! These "Comtech Golden Principles" are here to help you. Whether you are a student, teacher or independent researcher you will discover something in these pages of Golden rules that will enhance your performance and your ability to make money, command others and influence from afar. Yes, INTENT is a key aspect... but there's more. Are you ready for more? Ok Pal, lets go then.....
*Better Paychecks
*Rules to live by
*Secrets of Life
*Help Others
When you require compliance and obediance from those around you a simple trick to insure their cooperation is to make them complete the "COMMUNICATION CYCLE". While somewhat overlooked by many people this simple phase of interpersonal communication is a very critical aspect to making things come out as you wish them to. Remember, to insure your rules, orders or requests are met always follow this simple sequence.

Whenever you speak with, at or to another person, elicit an answer from them, an acknowledgement of what you told them. Go to the point of asking did you hear me? Do you understand what I told you? MAKE them respond... a simple yes or no will do, but no nods, head shaking or winks... absolutely make them verbally respond to your orders, statements and directions. Are you tracking on this subtle way of increasing compliance in your targets? More below, lets rock on shall we?
EXAMPLE: You have a teenager in the house. They often disobey your orders as a parent. You ask them to be in by ten pm and they cannot seem to comply. They nod their head and go on out the door. Here's how ya fix that. Next time around play it like ths: " I'd like you to be in by 10 pm!" As they turn and barely nod, ask them immediately, "Did you hear what I said or not ?" (Make them say YES or NO) By this simple act of making them acknowledge your words you also "lock" them into obediance.Yes, it's why in the military they make recruits always respond... it locks in the command sequences you desire and locks out the undesirable non-compliant ones. It is truly an easy trick to employ. Now you grasp the idea, so how many ways can you find to apply, work and use this trick?
Its all part of the one question to five statements cycle we've already covered earlier. Savvy?
Perhaps something else for you to consider is the visual cues that are so simple to use that you may find it hard to believe that they will even work! But, like many simple tricks, indeed... this one "works". But.. you must have the presence of mind to employ it when appropriate. Otherwise, why even bother to learn eh?

When you have a target or client who seems distracted or not quite as malable as you'd like them to be.. or if they seem tired, zombified, drunk, hurt, depressed or distant.... TRY this simple trick to "bring them back".

Simply ask them to "see that tree" or to "see that stapler on the desk", another attempt might be couched "how many flowers are in that vase?"....... You get the idea now right? OK, this is a visual-re-orienting and mental re-booting process. It will clarify them, bring some sanity into their thinking and actions. Even holding up your hand and saying "look at my hand" will often do the trick to "bring the mental strayers back onto the track you desire them to be upon.

SYMBOLS and Symbolic icons are also handy things to play your powers off of. Symbols are far reaching. They occur in many guises beyond the symbols we are all used to seeing about us daily. I mean such symbols as triangles, circles plus signs, stop signs, directional markers, arrows and the standard array of symbols we use daily. Abstract: A symbol could be seen as a necktie. It's a professionals item of clothing. To see a necktie on a construction job almost always designates a boss or engineer of some type. Like a rank chevron or colored belt in judo, such "symbols" tell others a message. Symbols can be used for good or for bad purposes. They do not always have to tell the truth.
Symbols can deceive. The wrong symbols can kill in extreme circumstances.

Mental Icons-Symbols:
A black leather jacket makes one think of motorcycles, No? A crown makes one think of a King or Queen. A picture of an iced drink on a hot day can make one thirsty. For most a picture of a polar bear means cool or air conditioned. Bear = cool comfort. Yeah, weird huh? But true.

Indeed, all symbology is manipulative via the gateway of symbols.... not words this time, not motions & gestures, not intent-projected thoughts ...... SSsssymbols, that's what ! To employ symbols is to fully round out your abilities to control and influence others. The study of this stuff isn't as difficult as you might think, in fact just look around you, examples are everywhere ! Can you spot a symbol(s) around you now? How about that computer, it's loaded w/ symbols? In your study-awakening to this principle
see how many things you canfind that can be symbols and also those things which simply cannot-will not.... indeed, fathom this and apply your findings to life.

In every endeavor a symbol should be present. In the logo, menu, blazon, card, spec-sheet, gadget, guide-on, flag, brochure, tee shirt etc.... let there be a symbol, in order to heighten your control and power for that time & place. It is part and parcel to your success and to the proper employment of the previous lessons of pages one & two. Individual lessons each one) should ultimately all blend into a stunning, seamless display of combined disciplines that give you an definite command over others in every theater of endeavor.

Check out this bit on Symbols:

Our most ancient basic instinct
(Makes Ya Sweat)

TAXI DRIVERS do it. Taxidermists do it. Even tax inspectors do it. So what is "it"? Sweating involuntarily when shown ancient erotic symbols.

The response, we're told, is hardwired into the human brain and there's nothing we can do about it.

Who's telling us? Solid state physicist, lecturer in information systems and author Dr Robert Lomas, who is one of the speakers at this year's Orkney International Science Festival.

"We've got receptors in our vision systems which make us respond to the shapes in these symbols emotionally even though we're unaware of it," he says.

Why? "Damned if I know. But the symbols in question are lozenge and spiral-shaped, and it's a scientific fact that when we see these shapes we react by sweating, even if we're not aware of it. These involuntary sweat reactions can be measured using galvanic skin response, and random testing has proved it happens."

These ancient symbols contain trigger factors that secretly stimulate hidden pleasure centres in our brains, Lomas claims - which is why they're erotic symbols in the first place. "Our ancient ancestors were tuned into this, which is why you see lozenge and spiral shapes cropping up in prehistoric sites all over the world. They're tied in with fertility rites and represent the female shape as personified by the goddess, Venus."

Which ties in with one of Lomas's other roles. An internationally known author on religious symbolism, his - often controversial - 'Hiram Key' books have been translated into 46 languages. He has no qualms about mixing and matching hard-core science and mathematics with ancient belief systems, a dash of folklore, and a bucketful of astronomy and asking himself and the rest of us some rather pertinent questions about the result.

"There are some really interesting coincidences attached to the fact that our responses to these ancient shapes hasn't changed from pre-history to the hi-tech age," he muses.

Our limbic brain - the primitive bit that goes back to when the ancestors of even middle management types were doing what came naturally - is still hardwired to respond to very basic sensory stimuli, like shapes and smells. "We seem to have sets of neurons that respond to particular visual stimuli like horizontals, verticals and angles. It's a perception thing, and I haven't a clue why it happens but it does, because a lozenge, which is a diamond shape, stimulates the galvanic skin response. Combine that with spirals and it gets even more interesting."

Lomas says the lozenge shape appears in places of symbolic importance all over the world - pagan sites, churches, temples and mosques - and the hidden element that triggers the response is still there, more than 6,000 years on. The attention of Orkney Science Festival goers will be drawn to their own home-grown examples - lozenge symbols cut into the stonework in the Neolithic village of Skara Brae, and carved above the northwest door of St Magnus Cathedral.

Lomas is going to finish his lecture with one of his "interesting coincidences". "Make what you like of this," he says. "But isn't it an interesting coincidence the two shapes that affect us - the spiral and the lozenge - appear when you X-ray the DNA that builds these preceptory receptors in our brains?"

Not a spurious connection, it seems. Something else Lomas has under his belt is work on crystallography - the internal workings of crystal structures. It's the same work Rosalind Franklin was involved with when she produced the first X-ray crystallography image of the DNA molecule, and the work that was shown without her knowledge to Watson and Crick. She was airbrushed out of history - though she did recently receive posthumous recognition. But her X-ray image of the basic DNA structure remains, and on it - says Lomas - the back spatters on the spiral helix throw lozenge shapes.

"Most people are not used to visualising shadows cast by three dimensional objects but crystallographers can. If you irradiate the spiral with light and move it around you can see the lozenge shapes.

"By my reckoning, if we weren't attuned to instinctively take note when we see a lozenge shape, Watson wouldn't have seen the lozenges. Once he did, he could work out it was a double spiral that was making their shadows. Without that peculiar co-incidence, we wouldn't understand DNA!"

"Well," says Lomas breezily, "it's a good story anyway."




Make savage the body and Make civilized the mind......
Part I Here

Part II Here
Here is a wonderful resource to help you develop your hidden skills. In the Bodyguard trade, law eforcement etc this stuff may fall under "Proxemics".  When I learned about this material it was called "Observational Psychology" ..... some of you may even say "Neuro-Linguistics and you'd be ok.... So yes indeed, this material is out there and being used every day. From ad agencies to corporate bosses, this is the realm of the fortune five hundred gang. They control and wield power like it was a childs tricycle. With practiced ease and absolute ability. So can you ! Now, read this link from my friend Dave Givens, he has a done a marvelous job in sharing this info with you and I !

OK, finish Page three strongly by doing yourself a favor!
(Tons of clever info awaits you) (Like finding money in the street!)
@ Large w/ Unnca Jak