NEOTERIC WARRIOR (Contemplations)

7. He holds the secrets of the invocation of the dead. He may command their
legion through the power of his bond. The spirit flame flickers dimly over his head.

(Continuing w/ number 7 (seven) principle from our previous page found HERE)

This is a tough one. But here I go. To understand this principle we must certainly strrrretttch our imaginations, credibility and consiousness. Personal experience is a great help in handling the # 7 principle. I know, I know, this is an area that is very taboo in this culture. Few dare vociferate their inner feelings/beliefs about this communion w/ the dear departed. Even fewer can say they actually have knowledge of the means to pull something like this off real time. Talk is cheap, there are many hoaxers. Attempts are a dime a dozen too, the failures can create some terrible after-effects. It is not game, nor adventure. Tis deathly serious work, the heart should be very clear of any negativism. Fear must be well behind you. Self control must be thy refuge when breaks the barrier between worlds. Great it is not. But, shocking, stunning it can be. Reality can be shredded. All things, all thoughts will shift with this knowledge. Are you prepared ? Better be.

There are many ways to create a mutual help situation. This is best. A meta-trade of sorts. It is found in the secret rituals of Pentjak Silat. It is seen in the Native American rituals, in Asia and Mexico there are the "Days of the Dead" respectively. The dead are honored, certain rituals are performed and do not forget.... the dead are also communicated with.

It must be understood that our goal here is not some hollow ritual, a pretend--mass psychosis type cult effect. No ! The # 7 principle means direct contact w/ the dead. Dialouge w/ the dead !  The trade is that we help them complete their uncompleted business in this realm & they assist us in this world and offer their abilities from that side to aid us in our positive quests on this side. My own ability came in the form of a gift. It is called a "spirit door" .. a gift of incredible worth and of incredible responsibility.

NOTE: On a personal level, have you ever wondered why tombstones look as they do ? Why they always have that curious shape ? Now, thanx to my gift, I know why. The "spirit door" looks like a tombstone, or a foggy, grey arch. (The arch is one of the most basic icons of the sacred geometry configurations. It creates a portal.) Thus, the LINK was established between realms. I walk in two worlds now. I was blind for two days once the spirit door opened. It was all that I could see, non-stop rolling visions of somewhere else. But, this is another story, for another time. I merely wanted to relate a few insights from my experiences.

Dealing with the spirits of the ethers. Having command over them / their actions / effects. First ye must recognize them. Know their habits and their needs. Ye must remain silent, internal dialouge must be stopped. Ye must be able to "hear" their communications, this requires some fine tuning that is currently beyond the scope of this cyber-medium of expression. In some instances they can appear as orbs, spheres or balls of light. Yes, they do exist. I have many pictures in my collections to verify this claim.

Seeing the spheres w/ your eyes is the first step, the realization that they truly exist. Befriending them is next. A process is required. A variety of things are needed to fully enlist them into your aid (and vice-versa). We (in my circle of friends) call them "flyers". Recall the earlier teachings, their kind is seven in number. There are bad ones, just as with any other form of energy. Know what you are dealing with before you decide link up !!  Take time ! People who naturally are able to communicate - bridge the realms, have a different light about them. Call it an aura or spirit-light-- whatever.... But, it's there just over the head !
8. To possess the secrets of wealth. To always be it's wise master and never it's slave.
     To know how to enjoy even poverty, to always be at peace
and to never-ever fall into abjectness and wretchedness.

In these passages we could possibly mistake what is being transmitted. At first glance it appears to be greed ! The disease of the greedy ones, a sickness.."Shuwapu". But closer inspection might reveal another dimension. This speaks not about the accumulation of wealth or items. "Wealth" comes through different means, it takes many forms.

Certainly money figures in, but it is not the only form of wealth. If it's control ye seek then elsewhere ye must play. For here are sincere individuals, casting about the search ernestly. Secrets there ARE to makig the buck. These are the "Golden Means". They are timeless, universal and effective in every theater of endeavor once one grasps their essence. Many Fortune 500 companies employ the Golden Means. The Knowledge of the basic Golden Means is a closely guarded secret. It is body, it is the word, it is the intonation (how the word is said) and it is the open gate through which all hi-meta-conciousness inspired success is generated. On the flip side, most of these very same teachings are nothing too grand.... aye, secret they may be, yes, effective they may be ... but they are largely simple things. Zen-like KNOWLEDGE of your world and self. I could begin listing things. But what good would it do without preparing you further ? Harm ... Naw.... In time, we shall discuss this further.
I will cast some hints forth, intuitive ones will grok what I offer.  

Know when you are well off. Say a thank you to the world. Strive for self improvement. Eventually it will not only be recognized, but it will be rewarded in a manner most unexpected and most gratifying. Practicing hermitage figures in here, long periods of intense, far-flung solitude. This is not about what is around you, it is about what's inside you.

Avoiding depression, Learn that happiness is found inside, a sense of irony helps. Keep your environs and your person clean. Poor people can be clean too. Cleanliness has little to do with financial status, it is a habit which is either a part of your life or isn't. Understanding this simple principle has already made you "richer" .

9. He must be capable of speaking learnedly on all subjects without preperation and without study.
To fully grasp the universal way is his life, his life is living universiality. Free of hinderances.

The number nine lesson is all about what I personally believe in. Freedom and universiality.
For all things there is a rhythm and cadence, a timing. Once found, it becomes a life-quest to maintain it and develop it further. Having a broad sense of knowledge is a greater accomplishment than the meager minds of todays academia wish to admit. The trend is to cubby-hole your thinking. To guide you into areas of "specialization". In theory this might look appealing (on paper). In reality it creates limited thinkers, social stumblers and droll know-it-all experts who really know little about anything. Illusion and lies have become their stock in trade..
Yeah, like Enron.

To judge the content of a social event or to converse learnedly about a subject of which you have no training in can be difficult. Agreed. But, in these cases, nod your head, listen more... speak less. Refer back to what they said, use a combination of logic, reason and intuition to flawlessly work your way in and out of a wide range of subjects. Initially, take not sides, reserve opinion. Most of all be clear inside yourself. Be open to guidance from the higher sources. They really are out there. They will help you, ask their assistance, they will come.
Chaos outside, calm within ! The voice within and the magical passes will get you through........

Hinderances: Physical-psychic-Intellectual
No-boundaries / No limits
Weave your work slowly, thoughtfully, the idea for the master neoteric warrior is not that of confrontation or direct involvement (battle). It is instead a course of action followed by a master of tactics and strategy. "Not doing" can help break up any hinderances, certain motions and charms help also. Simply out-thinking the problem usually resolves it swiftly enough. Calmness again... remain calm, breath, breath deeply. In thru the nose, out via the mouth.
There are no hinderances ........ savvy ? ........... Only to those who live in the chaos are there barriers. Go, create thy space of solitude and prayer. In these acts will begin the great work.

A ray of hope:
If the hinderances thee encounter are great.... then it means the prize must be a grand one.
Give it all you have, pedal to the metal !
Bumps ahead ! Beware !

10. To understand the secrets of animals. The four legged, the winged, the crawlers and the swimmers.
He must know and be able to pronounce the words of the tru-man.
He must know the words which charm the serpents.

Ahhh, the secrets of animals. Can we understand the experience of our furry brethren ? Must we always be seperated in thought, in deed and spirit ? It is the oldest of secrets. Verily one that has been lost of the eons. Words are intonations. Some languages such as sanscrit and latin carry more intonation than do other languages. It's not that any language or speech pattern-communivocation cannot apply. It's simply that some languages just work better for higher communication purposes. Yes, just to grasp this concept should give you the key to the "voice"... and the idea behind chants-drumming-intonations etc etc....
But,communication with animals.... ? Hmmm.

The secrets lies within the sign, the seal and the heart. There is a "sign" or symbol that refers to each "tribe". Meaning by "tribe" is genus-specie-group, the fliers, the swimmers, the four-legged, the crawlers, the unseen ones, the two-legged and the rest. All recognize a specific symbol of some sort. Sometimes rather intuitively a sign comes to you, if so, use it. Perhaps in a dream or vision it shall come. Other times it is something you are taught by one of your masters or helpers One must be open to the moment. By making the appropriate sign one can accomplish awesome and amazing things. Yes, it's for real, it's natural, Earth-Magic. .... Confused ? Too vague for you ? STUDY!

La Kaa La Raa La Muu
"By fire... all things are renewed"

Ka Namah Lajerama

We all know that serpents have the ability to "charm" their prey. But then, how do you charm a serpent ?
In todays world (largely ran by serpents) such knowledge is good to possess.
Once the serpent is charmed, it can be put into use to further your goals or it simply can be destroyed.
The choice is yours, you now have the power.
