Comtech / James Keating / 541-938-3451 / / Youtube:

All 2024 Events will be a Pay at the door only ~ Private classes before or after events are still available. Inquire to me directly if interested - 

Studio Location is the OLD Oregon Employment Office: Look here for details of our Location >


November: 16-17, 2024 (Cost: $100.00) Six Hands Method Review. Tai Chi Extreme. Rounding out the 24 season we come to our last event. Try to make this event before Bidens Fury, winters hurry and holiday scurry take away our chances! Ha Ha / We will flow with what life sends our way!  / Things we shall cover: Rarely taught six hand Principles", the quietness of activity, compression of time, illusion and the senses. Breath control, meditative states (trance) and kuji-in methods that give you the upper hand, plus a lot more. Ok, call me if you need more explanation. In short / I'll just SEE YA THERE!

Ask me about more discounts on training and if private classes are desired then lets talk about that too!