There seems to be some vague connection between the legendary NORUMBEGA and the mysterious Oak Island. I'll keep this brief. But the concept that all of this is tied together is just fascinating. Plus the elements of lost cities, Native American legends of the place and some tantalizing clues all lend a heady air of mystery to the vast historical significance of it. Here is a video that talks about some most interesting things - plus maps too. And as might be expected the Tartarian Librarian Mr. Jon Levi has some insights if you have the time to view his video.

Mixing and mingling with the end-time tribes is a strange lot of free-lance wizards on whom one hardly dares to put a name. Shamans, they are. But shamans of another order, whose lineage extends from the future as much as from the past. These wizards have an imaginative flair, the gift for magical realism (more below). They can be elusive, but they are strangely, disarmingly direct when it comes to imparting the initiatory secrets of their trade.

Exhibiting a paradoxical mix of arrogance and humility, they are fine teachers, although they do not belong to any tradition, school, or educational program. They are generous and ruthless, but also capricious. And in social and spiritual style, they are occasionally brutal.

One thing they are not is fashionable, unless you count the occasional personal fetish such as the spiffy mesh tie worn by the gentleman pictured above. But shamanism, let's face it, is pretty fashionable these days. It is the height of trendiness in some circles. The craze has been building for quite a while. Peter Furst's Flesh of the Gods (published in 1972, right on the far node of the 1972 - 2012 interval) set the standard for anthropological studies that made hallucinogens legitimate, finally overthrowing Eliade's opinion (reconsidered at the end of his life) that the use of psychoactive plants belongs to the decadent phase of shamanism.

Since Furst, shamanism has become the central subject of anthropology as well as the sacred pastime of the drug culture. And beyond the counterculture, it has engendered pop obsessions including everything from ayahuasca tourism to communal drumming in the park.

Serpents of Wisdom
Conversation on the Plaza in Santa Fe around 1974:
"Hey John, have you heard all this talk about shamanism? Some people are saying it's the oldest religion on earth." "Hmmm. Well, if it's that old, how much longer do they expect it to last?"

Shamanism was the radical chic of the 1990s, and coming into the 21th century it seems to be holding strong, but could this be a sunset phenomenon? Do I risk sounding extremely perverse (once again) by posing such a question? qualify: Could it be that the present ubiquity of the phenomenon - with everybody and his cousin now claiming to be a shaman - might give way to something at once more discreet and more demanding, a shamanic order that does not announce itself as such? This would be the party of Xolotl. In the spirit of magical realism, I will write of the party as if it already exists.

The party of Xolotl is definitely an order, not another tribe among the tribes, but the order encompasses and permeates all tribal activities. Think of the tribes as trees, great many-branched and many-rooted wonders, leafed with countless expressions of personalized creativity and steadied by massive trunks of communal solidarity.

The five families of tribal trees,






...represent the emergent human community of the end-time.
Then the hidden shamanic order, the party of wily and elusive crypto-shamans, would be the bone-white angel-hair mesh of underground mycelium in mycorrhizal relationship with the family trees.

Wasson (in Soma: Divine Mushroom of Immortality):

  "Since 1885 mycologists have recognized the mycorrhizal relationships between certain species of mushrooms, and certain species of trees..."

How convenient that someone noticed.

  "Be ye wise as serpents and harmless as doves."

This adage, attributed to Jesus, may be one of merely three lines in the New Testament that reflect some genuine Gnostic insight.The other two would be,"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free, " and "If thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light."

All three lines play on the same theme:the paranormal faculties (siddhis) of those who master the serpent power, kundalini.I have argued extensively that the gnostikoi of the Pagan Mysteries were kundalini adepts.They did not control the serpent power - no one does - but allowed themselves to be supple channels for it. They mastered its effects by achieving states of steady concentration free of hallucinations.This type of concentration, achieved while standing with eyes open, is requisite for observing the Organic Light. One effect of this sublime encounter is a sense of exquisite tenderness, infinite softness, for the luminosity of Sophia's primary substance body is soft.The Organic Light has a texture comparable to marshmallow. (I originally considered calling it the Mallow Light, and do call it so in certain writings on Gaian biophysics.)

Witnessing the Light makes us "gentle as doves." Another effect is that you see truth, you do not merely understand it. In ancient times when cultural and literary conventions followed the educational lead of the telestai, the Mystery School teachers, the Greek word aletheia used to mean both "truth" and "reality." This is the norm in some Gnostic writings, and the same sense occurs in Plato. What is ultimately true is Reality itself. Only Truth is real.

Beholding the Organic Light, "ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free," because in the omnipresent soft luminosity you see the Suchness, the primordial Void that is Shunyata, not emptiness but a fullness, a self-radiant plenum in which the truth of every possible thought, emotion, and perception reaches pure and paramount ripeness, and reaches it, and reaches it....

"Ripeness is all," Goethe said, he who was used to contemplating nature "intensively" to observe what happens within the senses, rather than merely what the senses present as an external, seemingly finished product. The Organic Light is rich in content: a well of living information, a fountainhead of boundless, self-articulating intelligence. Asian traditions call the realization it affords sabija samadhi, "perfect concentration with seed," contrasted to nirbija samadhi, "concentration without seed."

In The Seeker's Handbook (1991), I explained that the first is knowing nothing through knowing everything, and the second is knowing everything through knowing nothing. It's fun to have options.. Such matters would be - will be - routine tradecraft for the party of Xolotl, the technicians of the sacred who move surreptitiously among the end-time tribes. Technicians, they are. But they may often appear as poets, novelists, dancers, musicians, herbalists, body-workers, stone-workers, animal-keepers, and simple artisans who do not openly disclose their adept status.

There is a harlequin aspect to the dog-headed end-time guides, although some of them are somber, prone to dress in black and wear silver and coral ornaments, like Silvio Manuel. Some of them sit modestly aside, grinning in the dark. Xolotl is dog-headed because in occult jargon that animal represents clairaudience, hearing in the canine frequencies.The party of Xolotl have various occult faculties, but most notably the capacity to hear subvocally - hear and transmit.


Shamanism is one of the oldest spiritual practices still being used today. What are the fundamental aspects of Shamanism and why is it relevant today? Many folks today have interest in these ancient ways. It has became rather chic to acquire this role. In all truth, most of the better shaman have been reluctant to assume this role. They eventually do, but it takes time. Those who deliberately seek out such skills will also accomplish their goals. But their path will be different. I myself was of the reluctant type. But it is well known that when the time has come, then one must obey destiny. You accept what you are and move on -
A Cup of Sweet​
July 23rd / jak Comments on Casteneda's Experiences
(Kind of a Re-Post, but with commentary this time)
The nagual can perform extraordinary things...things that do not seem possible, things that are unthinkable for the tonal. But the extraordinary thing is that the performer has no way of knowing how those things happen.... the secret of a sorcerer is that he knows how to get to the nagual, but once he gets there, your guess is as good as his to what takes place...one feels like one is doing something. (jak: This is when recapitulation must be done. In the past I have spoken of Chac Mool and the ritual of Chac Mool which I am now allowed to share (teach)
THE SECOND ATTENTION IS ASSEMBLED ONE AND ONE-HALF FEET IN FRONT OF THE MIDPOINT BETWEEN THE STOMACH AND THE BELLY BUTTON AND FOUR INCHES TO THE RIGHT. (jak: Contemplation on that area, aura massage, etc raises awareness of it. Once in the 2nd attention you may not think about things as you normally might. You might start having a “gut instinct” and allow that to guide you. The GUT part is in relation to the location of the 2nd attention locaton-access we are discussing here) SHIFTS (in the assemblage point) GIVE RISE TO MINUTE PERCEPTION CHANGES / Shifts give rise to minute changes, which are practically unnoticeable. The challenge of the shifts is that they are so small and so numerous that to maintain cohesiveness in all of them is a triumph. even the most minute shifting, creates totally isolated islands of perception. (jak: This my friends is happening to each and everyone of you (us). Read the above again. Our AP’s are moving ever so slightly. The crazy times cause this you know – this is the reason (cause) of your feeling so fractured and flattened. Each small shift creates another line you have to deal with. Creating those “isolated islands of perception”.

A shift of the AP is marked by a change in light. In the daytime, light becomes very dark; at night, darkness becomes twilight. (jak: Things kind of glow. Yellows, purples, blues (colors) come out strongly) However, when I looked closer I noticed something odd in the shadows cast on the floor. A shudder went through me, for I knew the shadows were wrong. I could have sworn that they were agitated, shimmering, dancing, but there was no wind or movement in the room. A moment ago it was light. I could see everything clearly... what happened is that you entered into the shadow's world... I could tell by the rhythm of your breathing that you had gone there. But I didn't want to frighten you then by asking you to look at your shadow... there were no shadows..there was light but nothing had a shadow... in the worlds outside this one, there are no shadows.  (jak: I entered this place twice. I felt as if I were upon a vast un-ending expanse. Again, the roaring silence and the heartbeat. In our teachings this "place of no shadows" was called the “Place of White Light”. Very stark, and no shadows. We use a special bell and a drum as means to cross over. In that world I experienced real miracles. The place where the shadows dance is real. It proceeds going into that shadowless world (place.)  THE REALM OF NOT-BEING IS LOCATED ABOVE THE HEAD AND SLIGHTLY BEHIND IT / Known as the realm of “not-being”, whose entrance hovers above the head and slightly behind it. (Some of these same location points I also teach in Bowie program, those who know, do you remember? Taught originally as part of the "blind spots of awareness" you are able to exploit.)
July 14th  - A Solitary State
Over the years I have written about hermitage. I have spoken of it during interviews. I have practiced extended hermitage for many, many years. In this regards the works of Casteneda are rather devoid of references about the shamanistic benefits of hermitage. In the lineage of Casteneda and Don Juan the silence training they practice would equal hermitage training in some ways I suppose. Both require you to turn off the internal dialogue. The old adage "silence is golden" is well suited for this pursuit. 
The practice of hermitage is an ancient path to finding the Inner Self. Both eastern and western cultures (esoteric schools) recognize the practice and it's purposes. In many regards hermitage is a universal discipline like few others. It is an automatic method - all one must do is undertake the hermitage and the rest of the chase just happens on it's own. I like it because of this aspect. It is like an extended vision quest and a form of "not doing". 
Outdoors is the way to go. An extreme camping trip, a three month adventure. Living rough is part of the hermitage experience. Some survival skills go along with being a hermit so know that material well. Have your shit together, keep it tight. This is not a vacation. Be resolute in accomplishing your goals. Reality can get very "real" - you also need to be very real (or refrain from putting yourself out there until your inner guide allows it).
There is being alone and then there is BEING ALONE. According to what your spirit guides you to do YOU must decide the level of hermitage you wish to undertake. There are levels, from easy through difficult - my advice is to start slowly. The first run is where you learn so much, the first run at real hermitage should be a scouting-learning mission. The knowledge you gain from this experience will help guide the rest of your life-long quest. Turning off the talk within you, the internal soundtrack of words, noises and thoughts. Stop your world, seek silence shut the noise inside off. Hermitage allows you to do this, no phones or any other means of contact allowed. There are many who have died attempting this sort of pilgrimage. Easy does it! Just do the task correctly, cheat and you cheat yourself. 

July 11th
Those special spots - places of power
There are geographic locations where power gathers. This can be due to many reasons. Places where gravity is weaker. Spots where geo-magnetic rock formations are prominent. Low places (wadi's) can be energetic traps. Other spots have a vortex energy. Portals can often be found near the vortex point. 
Rocks and the desolate desert environments are most associated with the kind of power we are seeking. If you notice, there are few tales about hunting or finding power while in mountainous terrains. There are some, but the nature of power is odd. You'll know when you encounter power. This land of dreamers (Columbia Plateau) is rich in power spots. Some of the best places have been stolen from us (mainly the Wanapum tribe) and men can longer go to such spots. I refer to the Hanford Nuclear site, Rattlesnake mountain, the Columbia reach and Beverly Gap. But the great Crab Creek Canyon area with it's towering, unexplored cliffs and caves can still be reached. I have told the story about the Carrizo. Also of the Superstitions in Arizona. The Ape canyon in Washington state, the lost Nixludix and the ancient places on the White River in Arkansas. Being adventure oriented when seeking power can be an asset. Along with power comes many other unexpected things. My entire life I have hunted power. This is not a joke. Very real. I think one must have a variety of places in mind to hunt power properly. Broad flat expanses, rocky desolate spots, rocky desolate spots with running water nearby, a cave or caves, steep walled canyons and perhaps dunes. 
Certain plants & trees are also on-board with power spots. Sage, Junipers, Couse, Pine, scrub oak and oddly enough Sunflowers. - STORY: There is a story from long ago about a sacred field of wild Sunflowers. These plants were ancient, the are self regenerating. In this one remote valley their Sunflower tribe prospered far away from the eyes of man. Then they were found out, the natives of the time used these plants as a food source. Then a war took place over these fields. Then more changes took place as the white settlers moved into the area. Soon the spot was forgotten and was recalled only as a story told by elders. Some doubted the valley and the Sunflowers ever existed. Well, by accident we found this place. Unbelievable! Gigantic plants - a Sunflower forest! Talk about a magical place. Not really a valley. More of a great swale between two buttes. We found other places with cold and hot springs, giant sagebushes, ancient hand made stone walls and geo-glyphs.  To seek power in the mountains is far more dangerous. The mountain environment is harsher on the senses. Disorientation happens more often. Claustrophobic reactions can occur - in the more open spaces of the flat lands (arid desert) this reaction is rare. But in the mountains, those spirits don't fuck around. They are truly wild and could care less about your hunt for power. They'll backtrack your energy and set your 2nd attention up with some type of distraction and they'll hunt you!
There is a wind in the mountain pines that blows as an animal moves. It is not wind as you know. It is a beast which masquerades as the wind. In the Pine tress a normal wind makes a "normal" noise. Not much. But this wind of power is different. When it moves in the Pines it immediately sensed. Japanese and others know of this wind-way to enlightenment. Martial arts styles and martial revelations have all been made via the influence of these tree and "wind" spirits. Matsukaze, Old Pine Tree way, Young forest way (siu lum) / trees and the magical wind which blows through them. Example: Kosho means old pine tree. Shorei implies school of encouragement. A traditional Ryu is a school of thought of an art form. A Japanese Buddhist priest meditated under an old pine tree around 1235 AD and received enlightenment, as he discovered universal laws and natural principles of our existence and the resolution of conflict
Power is thus found - and the Old Ones Knew This

July 8th / JAK ~
Self Doubt, Illusion (maya) and the Mysterious World

No doubt about it, we live in a mysterious world. A miraculous place. There are secrets which exist in our world - they exist in legend, ancient tales and teachings. The word "maya" has a double meaning for us who walk this path. First, "maya" refers to illusion, an unreal zombified outlook on life. There is also the "maya" which relates to magic, sorcery and the personal power. Our quest is to see clearly all that we can about this world and more so about ourselves. To see the unseen - to witness the unseeable is the task at hand / along with that which can be seen (keen observation skills like a master hunter). At first dawning of a second sight based ability aka "seeing" I think it is a common tendency to doubt what you are perceiving. Like "I must be going crazy. This can't be happening". Yet IT IS Happening! Self doubt is a killer. You must relax and go along with the spirit of "seeing". Otherwise it will leave, the shock of going into the "seeing" state can knock you right back out of it. Knowing the difference between the reality which is based upon illusion (the one most men live in) and that reality which is based personal power (second attention) is a key point of understanding. Once this split-perception of our world is fully grasped it changes a great deal in your life henceforth. 
Just accepting that the world is not quite like what we were first taught - that  can be a great beginning on this road to power. Open your self up to the new sensations, sights and yes, even sounds that come with second attention experiences. This is done through will power. There are places, animals, creations, thoughts, miracles and so much more awaiting you once you cross the bridge between the first attention and into the second attention. Make no doubt about it, believe in yourself. Remain resolute, stay sharp, never lie to yourself. It either IS or it IS NOT. Relax into your dreaming and into the 2nd attention. It is not about working hard at this stuff. It is about letting go, not-doing. Like wu-wei sort of. Losing self importance is a virtue.
OK, Go Experience the Mysteries. 

July 6th 
Redefining the Path / GAZING

JAK: This started w/ "time compression" - that being the goal. To first understand what that is and then perhaps do it yourself. But you need personal power to do this. So you must first make yourself available to power. Be able to call it, benefit from it, learn to "see" in the manner of the "second sight". Learn to master "dreaming" in it's many aspects. It is difficult to have the time for all of this. Plus to visit the special locations also takes time, money and the will to do. The process is evolutionary (step by step) and cumulative (builds up). It eventually manifests in the form as your intent has willed it to become. Like with any foundation - you now have a strong base to work off of in further explorations. This "work" isn't easy, nor always fun. It is a serious undertaking for specific reasons of personal growth. This work is dominating by it's very nature. Can you put yourself into that deep of a place and still remain happy? One of my favorite methods of gaining power & Dream skill is through the art of "gazing". As a kid there were two caves that I frequented. One cave was not a friendly place. The other cave was totally friendly. I spent much time in that place. I watched everything in that land from my cave perch. Later as an adult we practiced gazing over a great valley, this being done from another cave. Just big enough for shelter. No more. On the really hot days this cave was just an awesome place to be. Heat waves dancing all over the place, a silence that was deafening and us looking out and over this spectacle from our hunters cave. 

Another way to learn how to do dreaming is by learning gazing. If you gaze at a pile of leaves for hours your thoughts get quiet. Without thoughts the attention of the tonal wanes and suddenly your second attention hooks onto the leaves and the leaves become something else. The moment when the second attention hooks onto something is called stopping the world. The difficulty in gazing is to learn to quiet down the thoughts. Once you can stop the world you are a gazer. And the only way of stopping the world is by trying. Combine gazing at dry leaves and looking for our hands in dreaming. Once you have trapped your second attention with dry leaves, you do gazing and dreaming to enlarge it. And that's all there is to gazing. All we need to do in order to trap our second attention is to try and try. Once dreamers know how to stop the world by gazing at leaves, they can gaze at other things; and finally when the dreamers lose their form altogether, they can gaze at anything. First after leaves, gaze at small plants. Small plants are very dangerous. Their power is concentrated; they have a very intense light and they feel when dreamers are gazing at them; they immediately move their light and shoot it at the gazer. Dreamers have to choose one kind of plant to gaze at. Next gaze at trees. Dreamers also have a particular kind of tree to gaze at. Next gaze at moving, living creatures. Small insects are by far the best subject. Their mobility makes them innocuous to the gazer, the opposite of plants which draw their light directly from the earth. The next step is to gaze at rocks. Rocks are very old and powerful and have a specific light which is rather greenish in contrast with the white light of plants and the yellowish light of mobile, living beings. Rocks do not open up easily to gazers, but it is worthwhile for gazers to persist because rocks have special secrets concealed in their core, secrets that can aid sorcerers in their dreaming. And you must also look at the SHADOWS as your target for gazing / night and day. The position of the body is of great importance while one is gazing. One has to sit on the ground on a soft mat of leaves, or on a cushion made out of natural fibers. The back has to be propped against a tree, or a stump, or a flat rock. The body has to be thoroughly relaxed. The eyes are never fixed on the object, in order to avoid tiring them. The gaze consists in scanning very slowly the object gazed at, going counterclockwise but without moving the head. The idea is to let your perception play without analyzing it. 


June 27th: 
JAKDreaming is a skill unto itself. "Dreaming" in the way I am about to speak of is far different from that which normal men dream. We sleep, sometimes we dream. Often chaotic events blurred into one confusing tapestry. The dreaming I am talking about is an act of power. It has checks and balances to certify veracity. This type of dreaming is controlled. It can be done while asleep, it can be done while wide awake. To understand better you can relate DREAMING to Remote Viewing. The "television in your head".  Many people know that Don Juan Matus deals heavily with DREAMING in the Carlos Castaneda books. But dreaming is a far bigger element in many native beliefs - it goes beyond Castanedas works. It is a common re-occurring theme. You should understand this. 

There is a book called "Drummer Dreamers" and in this book is described the Drummer Dreamer Religion. Washani - A spirit dance of great meaning. The people of this plateau were "Dreamers". They had a mystic ability about them. The great spirit gave them gifts that few others possessed. I have done this (Washat) Washani dance (7 drums) and spoken the old words - I have done the ceremony of white light with the holy ones. I have witnessed miracles. On the red road you can expect a miracle every day. Many know of this path, yet so few really follow it. It is not an easy path. Many start, most drop out. Dreaming is an act of will and intent. If you are lucky enough to have a spirit helper they can help greatly in the acquisition of power, knowledge and the gathering of real time information. Dreaming should be practiced - allowed - encouraged. I was fully trained in this by age 11. Everyone knew it. I accepted it as normal. Once Tatanka and I fell in together he taught me how to dream together (as a group) using a common target. Then compare the feedback we each took in. Make no doubt about it - drums are a vital connection. Hand drums. Elk, buff or cowhide. I have my own drum of buffalo hide. It has seen and done much in the two worlds. I also have a hand drum from the Yakima's. Given to me as a medicine gift. 200 years old, still being used. It has power like the great rivers themselves - it's voice is heard in both worlds like thunder upon the plains. I am looking at it as I write these words. With an object like this old drum you can dream upon it and it can act as a guide if you only listen. Drums can have power. Even mighty Gilgamesh had a drum!
Riddle of Steel / Sacred Land / Second Attention Training
"And they thought it was about knives​" ha ha ha !
Now I ask that many of you return to the canyon. Santos and I took thee into the 2nd attention without any of you knowing. Remember what we taught you? About Thursday nights? The time universal? The tuning fork effect of raising the vibrational waves to affect everything around us. That was the shift. It's why some of you became frightened. You were taught "astral travel" abilities. How to operate in the darkness blindfolded. This is part of dream training. You must remember (recapitulate) what transpired in the time you lost and cannot account for. Where did you go and what did you learn? Santos is a Sundance elder. Count on him to discreetly affect every action and thought as a Nagual does in the second attention. He gave out some awesome gifts of power - where did you put them?

June 24th & 25th: 
JAK: To Hunt power is similar to vision questing. Outdoors, usually alone. The darkest night perhaps. Your fears mixing with excitement as you approach the edge of the great unknown. A point of apprehension. Relax and breathe if that happens. There are many ways POWER can be sought and "captured". Some ways are easier than others. In the ways of the east power is refined and cultivated. A slow seduction occurs as personal power is stored. In the Americas power is hunted like a wild thing - it must be captured. Like all wild things it is dangerous. Once caught and a bond is made it can then be harnessed to the shamans will. 
Here are some ways I was introduced to hunting power. 
In all truth one rarely finds power, it finds you. You must make yourself available to it. Power by it's very nature is also a hunter. It too can draw energy from it's surroundings just as a warrior can. This makes power formidable and unpredictable. Power is always a spur of the moment thing. Even though it's appearance in your quest is anticipated & expected it is always somewhat "un-expected' and a surprise. Power is cummulative. It builds up.
My first experiences in "getting power" were as a child. I was placed in the graves of the ancients which had been looted. They lay open to the skies. Dust filled holes, with razor sharp flint chips throughout the dirt. I stayed in there, in those ancient graves and thought nothing of it. I took naps and ate lunch with spirits for weeks on end. This is no joke. Those same graves I slept in as a kid are still there. Dusty pits with odd energies swirling about them. See the picture I posted of this mysterious fog (top) as it rises right out the very graves I slept in. There is no deception here my friends. I speak true - All of the sacred, ancient graves of my adopted people have that fog of the dead about them.
Another time we actively went hunting power - I say we / I and a friend (Randy Wanamaker) decided to make a evening journey to a certain hidden valley. In that valley was an ancient standing stone. At one point in time there were many such stones all about this plateau. A few still exist, hidden by natures hand from the prying eyes of the looter. Modern times has seen their number diminish greatly (and sadly). We went to this magic stone, slapped that rock and used our homemade"spirit-catchers" to call one in. Oh boy, we were not disappointed. We called something in fer sure. But we were not ready for it. Too young we were. After a fear & fire filled night something chased us right out of the valley. Scared we were. Funny now to think back. We lost all of gear and nearly our lives in that episode.  More recently I traveled to the location of an ancient city on the great river. Once it was called "NIXLUDIX" (Stone age on the Columbia by E. Strong) . It was a place where thousands of people once came to trade and gamble. It is thousands of years old. We found that there is still great amounts of power lurking about that place. While we were hunting power it had began to hunt us in return. This is the best kind of power to seek, but know you are playing with a very real danger. Show respect in all things you do and think. Offer Tobacco in the good way (as it comes to mind) - Smudge down prior to going in, smudge down after coming out of a sacred place. Play it smart and never ever touch ANYTHING you come upon. 
Castaneda Reference: Learning while in the second attention is similar to being under hypnosis or certain types of anesthesia. The old teachers could induce this state in Castaneda, like a hypnotist hypnotizing a patient. While Castaneda was in heightened awareness his teachers could teach him all the age-old secrets of sorcery and he would immediately understand what he was taught. That learning would be faithfully stored somewhere in his mind or body, but when his lesson was completed he would have to be brought out of heightened awareness and returned to normal. // Just as a subject of hypnosis, when he returns to normal, forgets everything that happened while under hypnosis, and as anesthetized patients who are aware during their operation will not remember anything, a student who is taught in heightened awareness also forgets everything when he returns to normal awareness. He not only forgets what he learned, he also forgets that he was even in that altered state and who was with him. He loses track of that segment of time in his life. It’s impossible to fully learn about sorcery while we are in our normal state of mind. Too much of it goes against common sense and rationality.  To stop the world, to compress time or alter the moment requires personal power. This comes with an ally and through dreamingAn Ally is a helper, a mutual benefit relationship with an inorganic being. Call it spirit, elemental or Ally - it will help you on this quest. But you must also help your helper in return. Many times a warrior can have more than one helper. Before you can accomplish feats of power you must seek it out, store it away. In the second attention state many times what we do is lost and forgotten. There must come a day of recapitulation. You must remember things that happened in the second attention . This is like discovering another you. A SELF you do not know. In the 2nd attention a "double" is often part of the creation process. Shamen have doubles, bi-location is possible. More on Dreaming & Doubles Soon!
June 22nd: A warrior acknowledges his pain but he doesn’t indulge in it. Thus the mood of a warrior who enters into the unknown is not one of sadness; on the contrary, he’s joyful because he feels humbled by his great fortune, confident that his spirit is impeccable, and above all, fully aware of his efficiency. A warrior’s joyfulness comes from having accepted his fate, and from having truthfully assessed what lies ahead of him. 
~ Don Juan, Tales of Power

June 19thThe primary function of the first attention is survival -- figuring out how to find enough food, water, and shelter to stay alive. After immediate survival problems are solved, the first attention continues its automatic processes of labeling objects, people and situations in the environment whether it advances our survival or not. The first attention creates and projects meaning onto situations where no meaning may initially exist.
The primary function of the second attention is spiritual through the inner action of witnessing - without assigning labels or meaning to whatever is perceived. As the aperture of perception dilates and opens, we perceive more reality -- beyond our ideas of reality or what any given reality might mean. The second attention engages the inner action of seeing, of witnessing the existing conditions of things without assigning labels or meaning.
As more reality is perceived, we are exposed to a more direct experience of uncertainty and impermanence -- nobody can know the future until it happens and all of life undergoes its own cycles of change, death and rebirth in perpetua. As we awaken to impermanence, we face our mortality -- not just our own but the mortality of others'. Imagine how your social life would change once you're aware that everyone you meet will die, not just as an idea but as an experience. As we learn to permit more uncertainty, we face the unknown -- not just as an concept but as a reality.

June 18th: We choose only once, one time. We choose either to be warriors or to be as ordinary men. A second choice does not exist. Not on this earth.  LINKS:
The Second attention is not bound by space and time. When in the Second Attention we are able to "see" events before they come into manifestation. We can "see" patterns of energy before they manifest into form. - Read-study-try to understand and then do -

June 17th: Further studies on manipulating time /<:>\ I'll be putting up some 2nd attention links. Read'em or not - the links MAY help in your understanding of this unusual subject of "time compression" (and in the general understanding of time itself). The Wind: In the very early part of your education in these matters concerning the second attention awareness level you are given exercises. These come from your guide, teacher or benefactor. These exercises are taught to you in order to build personal power. They involve using specific locations on our planet to jump-start us. Sometimes psycho-active plants are used for this jumpstart. The novice sorcerer is shaped (formed) through working with the wind. Sky arts of various kinds exist and should be studied. Getting in touch with the wind and allowing it to know you is important. Just be there / make yourself available. Clarification: There is the wind as an element of weather. Then there is the wind as we speak of. A wild animal, found only in wild places. Invisible to the eye this animal is, it seems to be “wind”, but it is not. It feels different. Yes, you feel it. This is the WIND that you SEEK on your quest for power. This wind carries immense amount of power and once you learn to work with it the effects are immediate. The wind I speak of has intelligence-sentinence. The thunder beings are related to this wind. They too will witness your schooling in the wild places. You will not always have a guide-teacher. So learn swiftly! Learn the way and know that solitude is not your enemy. Many quests are solo affairs. Power and you - and the abyss. Watch for the above mentioned link list next update. If you are serious, I am providing you a vehicle to accomplish your goals. The rest of the quest is up to you friend - 

June 16th / TIME COMPRESSION: It is as if you are briefly bypassing the laws of time, the laws of distance and the barriers of the sub-conscious mind. Second attention awareness. Say for example you are taking a journey from point A to point B which takes 45 to 50 minutes to complete. Once the trance kicks in that same journey is complete in 15 minutes flat. You “wake up” and you are there! Everyone checks their time pieces. They all say the same thing, only 15 minutes has gone by. But none of us can remember anything about the journey. How did a 50 minute trip get completed in 15 minutes? Where were we? Car travel and the closeness of the people is a ideal place to practice the compression of time. 

June 14th / In many situations the acts of power which a man of power enacts in his quest for power are beyond the “rule of reality”. They defy what we have all been taught about reality and they bend the fabric of reality as a blacksmith bends hot iron at his forge. This is the work of the 2nd ring of power or the second attention. A “witness” is often used in such endeavors. Mind you, this is not some self-delusional hocus pocus to be taken lightly. This is a high skill, a shamanic gift of the finest nature. The Lung Gom Runners of Tibet knew about this. The Incas knew of this as well. There are those in far off Ethiopia who also know of this ability to mold reality.The ancients knew about time alteration and used the principle in many areas of life. To effectively manipulate time – to COMPRESS time you first must get control of the 2nd attention. Then through that “place” (or state) you can successfully undertake your quest to alter time. Compressing time is a shamanic skill more so than it is a warriors skill. The 2nd attention is where you gain powers. It is the source from which much of your abilities spring. Tactical Time manipulation as a warrior would use is found through a controlled, self induced state of trance. In the western countries (America, Europe, etc) trance could be wrongly interpreted as the “work of the devil”. I assure you that it is not! It is difficult to find knowledge about this subject. It borders upon the edge of madness. It requires self control on a true level. Those who can understand this material keep quiet about their ability. They just do it, they experience it. Words do it injustice. Action is key!

When I Lived on The Carrizo Plains //
This was a grand time to be in California. Things had not turned to shit as they are now. California was the golden land of promise. Both for the young and the old, for business or for vacation. The California dream has fallen so very far, taken such a beating. The great state and her treasures are hardly recognizable for those of us who knew her prior to the coming of the present silcon/tech/ elctro-age. The great and vast plain of Carrizo is now known for solar energy. It isn't too far from where James Dean wrecked his Porsche (his beloved "little bastard"). Coalinga, an earthquake every day - pretty regular at least, tremors small, but always shaking.
Some articles say the Carrizo Plains are not far from San Luis Obispo - I reckon they aint been there. It's damn far - you head inland past Santa Margarita. Keep going! 
While there I worked for Atlantic Richfield. (Solar). Back then it was more or less a camp job. Some services, but not many. Outback yes, but certainly not a wilderness either. There was the small community at Soda lake. Tiny restaurant, tiny motel w/ a tiny pool. All smack dab out in the middle of no where. Charming? Yes! So I found myself alone as usual, far from kith & kin in this most unique setting. One day over dinner I spoke with a few lads and they told me about a huge rock monument they had heard about. I guess the had learned of it from some locals. It was hard to believe because there is nothing like that in this country they said. The more I listened, the more I wanted to see it. I asked about, no one had enough interest to go along with me. So it appeared I was to scout this place out alone. That was ok.
I hear that the State of Calif. has now built a fence around the monument. This is probably good, but back then there was no anything. Just the rock and nature. I am glad I saw it when I did. So it took a bit to get there, but I did find it. And oh my, what a find it was. More than I had hoped for. It was flat out stunning! And so errie, so otherworldly I cannot begin  to describe. The sounds, the smells - the vibe. Shivers fer sure - l had never seen such a natural amphitheater as this. There was an entrance and walking into that U-shaped circle I could hear my own footsteps. It was a surprise, the accoustics of sacred places are quite often like that. And indeed, I shall just say that this is and WAS a very sacred, special place. I shall let this book tell the true story. Of the conquest, the meetings and the terrible aftermath of the invaders. This ancient rock vibrates it's power, it's story outward. I could say more, but the book encompasses the essence. Here's hoping you enjoy it friends -

Youtube for more
References Here

Have a little peek at the Flood zone - Massive damage - massive changes!
A before and after shot too. All in One day! I mean a mighty commotion of a River ocean! It may be time to git - what next? An earthquake?
What I have learned about "Seeing" and Being Awake
Most people are not truly awake. Their minds reside in a comfortable place of acceptable realities and semi-predictable outcomes. Sure there are others who live in just the opposite conditions / unpredictability and unacceptable reality! Both states  can create a mental haze. This means some things in the real world cannot be seen as they actually are. Often a psychotic episode ensues. Perception of the true world has been obscured by screen, light and flicker rate so people see some (certain) things and are oblivious to other things. Selective? Yes! This can happen through injury, listening to the opinions of others, medications, brainwashing, electronic poisoning of the chakras and more. Much of what a sorcerer can see is just the clarified, better view of the same world that the sleepers occupy. But what each perceives is the difference that counts in the long run. Being able to "see" is a gift of immense proportion. It gives you a very unusual version of how things ARE versus the hivemind of the masses many and how they see shit. It touches every aspect of your life. Just by being able to "see" there are many who would place thee as the "chosen one". Such bullshit, you simply have a skill. Stay humble!

My benefactor was a woman you may recall her "other" name was "Crystal" (Juanita). It was her in 1963 or there about that taught me to "see". Back then very few knew this stuff and it was before Castenedas books came out. She would take me to special places, then asked me what I saw there. Then we would speak about this and she would make "observations". Pointing out things I had not seen or was unable to see. She coached me by saying to use my imagination. To read the land, to listen to the rocks and see the pictures they make to instruct the one's who are in tune and able to "see" the hidden signs. This went on for some time until she was certain that I could really "see" (as in second sight). Vision as in normal sight is a given. In this instance when I refer to "seeing" it means in the energetic sense. I became a hawk, ever hunting, seeing into things versus looking at them. This meant people too. It made some men uncomfortable, they sensed I could see their soul. And in a way, I could. Others who also could "see" would 'see" that I was "seeing" and approach me. Many Gurus spotted this and called me on it. Asking about it. Later I was taught how to cloak (hide) this skill in a way as to be undetectable to a seer. Looking into the hearts of men is not the same as looking at the terrain. This next bit I share w/ you is a most curious observation of seeing and acts of power. I might also add of things very, very ancient as well. So here we go down the slippery slide, just ride and glide to the other side. The "place" you must go in order to know! Do you have one? Then find one if not!
When you "see" landscapes you can spot things that others miss entirely. Sometimes these things can be quite large. You may think how could anyone miss a large geological feature? But yet they do. When "seeing" you are able to spot ancient things, they sort of glow a dull blue-ish earth-tone and jump right out into your field of sight. Depressions in the ground, ancient foundations also leap forth into sight as you "see" them in the truest way, free from the blindness brought on by our current plane of existence. To actually "see" a group of hills which others cannot is amazing. To see a cave and point it out to others often tags you as daft. Because no one else saw it or could see it. They were not meant to. Never force this shit, let it go. 

Lastly there are beings, creatures that one can "see". I am unsure of the right words to use in this case to describe them. Recently there has been been some articles about sky-snakes. Well yeah, those are real and now some folks have captured images of them. Of course for the most part this is lunatic fringe material. Nutty Ned and snakes in his head. But I say Nope! The sky-snake thing is legit. They are out there. I saw one following our team after leaving a sacred sight. So I took a picture of it. This was over 15 years ago. I posted it on MW back then. That is it above, the sky snake is visible on the right side. It is not a hair, nor anomaly. I could "see" it following them. It was very alive, being sneaky as hell too, indicating it had intelligence. 
Orbs and Rods are creatures of the other side and can exist in two worlds. They too become easier to spot when one can "see". Cameras and seeing go together, if you can "see" then so can your camera. If you cannot "see" then your camera usually cannot either. This shit effects cameras and electronics. Can zap batteries hard. Energetic beings and energetic realms can do this and more. If you sense a flash out the side vision awareness, then slyly ignore it. View it slowly and don't let on, act normal. Slowly you'll begin to see -

Personal Experiences w/ Alternate Realities
There was this time upon -sacred Pahtoe (tract D) We had taken vision-medicine and were questing (I did this 3 times over my life) we were coming in from Hell Roaring Meadows on the mountain climber trail. That is when it hit me. Like flash suddenly all things connected to every other thing. It is impossible to describe. An elk wallow was close, so my native partner put me into water. To bring me back you see. Water is a spiritual restorative in times of psychic onslaught. A nasty high mountain hot tub without the hot. Heh heh 

Once another occurence such as this took place, near an ancient site called "the redoubt". We had to quickly lay face down, flat out like a lizard drink'in and just bury our faces in the soil. Our leader swiftly and haphazardly threw leaves, wood bark, dirt and debris all over us and dove in himself. The earth-dirt has qualities that protect and this allowed us some frontal-chakra protection. This odd event of vast spiritual nature had broken a barrier we normally controlled. No one expected this. The ensuing tsunami of dark energy, spirits and outgassings washed over us causing our hair to stand up towards the sky. We stayed face down for some time until the portal had expelled it's content. I'll never forget that time, the smell of the dirt, the ozone mixing in. Our leader said GET UP and don't look back, just go. Then we high-tailed it out of there. We knew then that something had happened on the other side in order for this to come off as it did. Not a good sign to interpret - since then things have not been "right" in our world. Later we realized that dark energy had begun making mass runs at any available portal, sacred spot or energy grid point. It began to happen all over the globe - That last fake eclipse was another rush of darkness. The defining moment was the exact second millions of minds became awash with another tsunami of dark energy, dark beings and real hell on Earth. The results can be seen exploding across town, city and village right now, this evening. Adventurous times? Or hellish futures? Hellish times are like cold weather. You can bitch, whine and shiver about "how cold it is". Or you can buy a nice jacket, some mucklucks and feel pretty comfy. So hellish times often require hellish solutions. When you have answers to lifes problems then they ain't problems no more! Not so much the gun, it is the knife, the athame that walks in both worlds.

Continuity: What is it? Why is it important?
 Why do I personally value it over other traits? Is continuity a dynamic in successful interaction with others? These questions and more shall be answered in this brief article. I hope that some positive direction is provided for you. Let's go!

In the Merriam-Webster dictionary we find the definition of continuity as 
1."uninterrupted duration or continuation especially without essential change" 
2 : something that has, exhibits, or provides continuity: such as a : a script or scenario in the performing arts / b : transitional spoken or musical matter especially for a radio or television program. Every movie (film) has a someone as "prop master" or "key grip" and also someone in charge of "continuity"! Well I be darned he said aloud!  In a most human manner we quest for certain levels of continuity in our daily lives. It brings us inner comfort and a sense of security when we are lucky enough to be in setting where continuity is strong. Continuity in thought, in action, in personal and public settings is a sign of stability and maturity. As we know, today there is so little continuity in peoples character. It is a lost character trait of great value! When we made the jump our continuity as a world was shattered. The cry often heard and utterd by so many homeless, demented and lost souls is "where am I? Indeed the flow of time and events has changed for them. Those with strong identies and strong links to reality may have survived the jump intact. Most didn't! The things once known as fact are now false. Impossible things from science fiction books are now on the drawing boards and in the factories being made. Look at this shit too long and a creeping fear - panic attack provoking throat blocking sinking feeling sets in! 

Rest in peace, peace on earth, go in peace, peace be with you, peace of mind, peace and harmony – yes we sure have a lot of sayings and terms that refer to “peace” – peace comes from continuity and right thinking. There is no peace today. Just talk, words are grunts, oinks, just sounds that do little in themselves. Peace fell off the map when we shifted to world number 2. Continuity also disappeared in almost every regard. From our business supply chains to the behavior of friends – the regular (continuous) flow of day to day activity that was once “normal” is now no longer, replaced by endless chaos.  Every day is something new and vexing, usually odd or irritating rather than helpful or happy. Often laid directly upon our doorstep! No escape or retreat there. If there is a kind of continuity in our lives anymore it is the assured continuity of the ever increasing non-continuity of global and personal events, relationships going wrong suddenly and weather shifts of biblical natures. <Camazotz>  In your daily meditations, contemplation's and ruminations please consider (it is up to you – your call) the sharpening of your own personal continuity (on the positive scale of course). And watch for the lack of continuity I’ve been speaking of – see its signature which now rests heavily upon all things on Earth. Notice where you see and experience real continuity. Allow yourself to feel what it brings. It may take a few days versus a few hours, but get there ye will. Continuity is seen in motion and action. Motion (right doing) stems from right thinking also connected to “right feeling”. And remember, even if those around you go all non-linear and non-continuous, just let them. But YOU stay the same, YOU have continuity. No matter what, where, how, when or why – you stay continuous in character, thought and deed. Act from a high place from within yourself, this is the craft of the warrior-monk. (And it ain’t easy mate). But is it worth it then? Fuck yeah it’s worth it. Or else I world not have even bothered to address it as a topic at all! In a world of chaos, people and gone 100% legit nuts, to then be an island, a bastion of calm, strength, patience extended is to set yourself apart. They will gather about you, swarm your heart and mind, the desperate will sense this about you. Who you are and what is inside of you. They need that like a thirsty man needs water. You are the water, continuity training. Out of thousands, it is YOU that will make the difference. But first must come self mastery. The real deal, the painful sacrifice of time and labor to forge thyself upon the anvil of the Gods. No cutting corners, no short cuts. Laboring in the great halls of the metaphysical cosmic dojo is a real endeavor friend. Put in your time, a reward awaits the faithful.  It begins w/ simple things such as self awareness, mindful living in the martial way and setting a line of positive continuity (thought, behavior, etc) before oneself and sticking to it. Through pain or anger, be professional, keep in form. Be the same you that you were yesterday and the day before. People will begin to gravitate towards you. Trust and confide in you. You will be the stable “Rock of Gibraltar” in their very unstable lives. Regular martial art practice is an example of continuity in daily life. You cannot play at training as so many do. You are either training or you are not. Hit and miss does not count. Regular counts! Continuity counts! This is self control – self discipline. Strong, patient, calm / yes you can –

Martial arts and Fencing Question – 
Do martial arts (and Fencing) all require supreme athletic ability in order to be effective? 

In my opinion they do not. Being in good physical condition is always a good thing. There is no doubt about that! But in some fighting arts it is certainly not a pre-requisite. The trend towards sports fitness is currently quite big. There are some fighting arts which play up to the fitness trend more than other arts do. Tae Kwon Do has always been big on fitness and high athletic prowess. Fitness plays into the Japanese martial arts heavily too. In a two hour class of karate a full hour or more will be dedicated to exercises, fitness (PE). More time spent on the fitness part than on the actual learning of the art itself! There is "doing it" and then there is "over-doing it"!
Hell, I’d wager that today to even pull the trigger on a small caliber handgun you are going to need a gym membership, ripply abs and swelling biceps to make that bullet go where you want it to. Yes, being a wise guy – that’s me again. But sadly it appears the physical fitness trend has been taken too far by this latest generation of well meaning warriors and Guros. Fitness is a big, big factor in all arts and in life itself. But being “fit” does not insure victory. Being FIT cannot stop a bullet. My voice from the void is only heard as a cautionary reminder of what it is that we are really doing (seeking). To understand and stay on the path is important. Being lead around by the latest craze, fashion or internet trend is mostly bullshit. Time wasting, pointless fluff that is being tossed in the air to distract you and to make your money magically transfer from your wallet into the Guros wallet! Yes sir, the truth hurts. It distracts from the focus and corrodes the connections needed to learn & master an art of any kind. Even in the military the ridiculous, punishing fitness bullshit has reached an all time high of body damaging stupidity. And you BUD's know what I am talking about! You know WHO I am speaking of also. Tsk tsk!

Fitness is fine for killers, but it should not be in the top three things a killer must have. But now, it is at the very top of the list! A gross mis-interpretation of what a soldier (warrior) is all about. The modern soldiers (SF) path is now more closely related to a cross-fit membership that it is battle training and field competent skills. And it has failed miserably. The same thing has happened within the infra-structure of many martial arts. Commercialism, trends (MMA) and bullshit have made some arts virtually unrecognizable from their former selves of say thirty to one hundred years ago. A shame, but the masses do this to whatever they touch or favor. Once the infamous “unwashed masses” get their hands on something, then it is gone for many years hence. Erased and replaced with soiled, degraded bullshit every time. Look, just LOOK at what has happened to Fencing! Today’s sport is nothing but a mere shadow of the original. The general standard of competency is replaced with new, trendy things which are often fun, but miss the mark as fighting-protective arts. In all truth FUN was NEVER the goal. I know, too intense right? -- < Wrong! I am sure many reading these words will strongly disagree w/ me. I get it and I understand why, but do you understand why from my perspective in return? I do doubt it. Look, stay fit, be in shape. But also be reasonable with yourself and others. Set realistic goals for your fitness. Realize what fitness does and does not do in the greater scheme of things. And a final caveat:  Whatever the masses do, like, follow and support, you should probably avoid if possible. Do I really need to say more? Really?

- A Look at Bowie Knives and Magic -
A re-post of the classic Bowie LeCoote article. But this time without the funny ha ha.
Now a serious look at how it all comes together. If it's BS to you, then laugh friend. If it's serious study you seek, then look no further. One size fits all! Ok, click on over to the Bowie page and have a read. Might make yer brain splode, so cuidado hombre!

Distraction is a reaction, a loss of traction in action.
Focus is the new locus - no hocus pocus needed to invoke us!
A Notion of an ocean of magical motion that needs no promotion.
The Tiga Triangle, no dingle in my dangle, at ya from every angle! 
Charade of the shade as I twist my little blade, no move is then made!
It's a nasty escapade, I wish you could'a stayed, bright lights fade.
Where did ya go? I really wanna know, fast = slow, bullet wind blow. 
We all gonna die, no fuk'in lie, you can read it in my eye, death is kind'a sly,
(he's a very lonely guy) / dropp'em like a fly in the sweet by and by! 
If You can keep it kinda tight then you'll be alright, now off into the night
On a Midnight run, a shiney new knife, & .44 gun, (one ton of good guy fun) -
The neon sun and thugs on the run - now away, runaway, phasers on 'stun'!

Enjoy the Enjoyment / Like what ya love / Love what ya like 

Speaking of Breath Control and advanced concepts of breathing / IE: Chants, Cadences, Praniyama, Pneuma, Litany, Sutra & even Sleep! Yes, sleep! It was just this week that several sites broke the news about a new (new?) breathing technique that has already helped many insomnia sufferers find relief! So it seems timely that I had just done up my own piece on sound, vibration, breath and the overall control of it. (There are no coincidences amigo). Ok, Here, take a look at it: The breathing technique is called ‘4-7-8’ and is designed to help people calm down. Do you have the discipline to really do it, give it a chance? In Kung Fu, this technique may be seen utilizing the "Jade Well". A well known technique amongst trained adepts to connect two major meridians. This then makes (completes) a entire 'circuit'. A free flow of energy that can be used to accomplish many things. I can see how this works. I can say that such knowledge is only as good as the person who owns it is. Lazy man gets lazy man results. Sincere man gets greater results - such is why the term and practice of self discipline is such a big frigging deal in many martial arts and metaphysical paths. Without it, the knowledge is wasted. Pearls before swine. \ > More below to contemplate! "The Internal Martial Arts...such as the various styles of Tai-Chi, Pa-Kua, and Hsing-Yi...advocate placing the tip of the tongue on the roof of the mouth behind the front teeth...and also to keep the upper and lower teeth lightly touching while practicing any Chi-Kung/Qi-Gong method. Such placement of the tongue (jade well) and the teeth allows the intrinsic energy (chi/qi) which rises in the front and back centerline meridian channels to communicate with one another at their end points inside the mouth. The rear centerline channel (Governing Vessel/Tu-Mai) has its last energy point on the gumline of the upper jaw between the upper two front teeth. The chi energy in this line rises upward more easily than it can descend...and often has difficulty to rise as well. The front centerline channel (Conception Vessel/Jen-Mai) has its last energy point on the gumline of the lower jaw between the lower two front teeth. The chi energy in this line is usually capable of both ascending and descending with equal ease. Thus...when the upper and lower teeth are lightly touching and the tongue is properly placed....any energy which ascends in the back centerline channel to its last point on the upper gumline will be able to 'communicate' with and 'connect' to the energy which ascends in the front centerline channel to its last point on the lower gumline by way of the 'energy bridge' of the tongue and teeth. Then...when the energy of the front centerline Conception Vessel Channel descends and sinks back down to the perineum space below and behind the genitals...it will pull the chi from the rear Governing Vessel Channel through the mouth to descend to the perineum as well. This is called the Small Circle of Heaven....rising upward through the front and back centerline channels simultaneously...then both descending through the front centerline to the perineum again. This is a completed electromagnetic energy circuit which has to be fully functional in order to achieve the full benefits and skills of any good chi-kung/qi-gong practice." 

</  Breath, Voice, Kiai and Sound  \>
The Voice is a martial power unto itself. To use the voice in training has always been a big piece of many martial arts. From cadence count to kiai-jitsu it is an element of training that not many approach in today's MMA dominated world. Kiai is no longer used as much as it once was. Kiai not only serves as a 'spirit shout' but as a form of breathing as well. This type of breathing can be done in a variety of ways. Kiai can be of a hissing nature, a sharp bark, a high pitched whistle, a low animal growl. 

Some kiai cause a drop in the arterial blood pressure. Others can make a man go physically weak for a few moments in time.  Of course we all know that a sudden noise can startle. But kiai can go beyond that mere effect. A kiai can help tighten muscles and deaden the force of a blow. Threat and faking can be produced from the kiai (spirit shout) as well. This is a sound based illusion, a seemingly real attack, but only sound. Physical attack first, retreat and use the voice as a fake -then attack with physical force and kiai together. A one, a-two, a-three type of setup. Force, confusion, illusion, sound and threat. Get'em now mate! Kiai is valuable when used right. When used poorly or over-used, it becomes cheesy and beginner-ish. Kiai controls pain too. Why do you think they teach women to breathe in certain ways during the birthing process? Pain control is why. Muscle control and concentration too. Stamina!
Weak kiai is also worthless, half hearted grunts & oinks simply won't cut it. It invites a beating - learn to hiss and roar, breath fire and shit burning coals. Kiai gives many men courage. Breathing in the correct manner during actual combat sounds demonic to the untrained ear and mind. Chilling & threatening. And yes, if some loud noise surprises you or if someone uses a kiai against you, be sure that you immediately kiai (scream) back - fast and strong. Counter the effects of their shout by mirroring them, scream back even louder than their shout! Back at ya dude!  Voice and kiai can become a sonic attack. Do some actual damage. This requires years of training the voice. Start slowly, you can fuck your voice up by over doing it. Slow and easy, build your voice power. It was said that the Aikido Master Tohei Sensei practiced his Kiai in the mornings. Just as he would practice any technique. Intonation, kiai, mantra and chant - all equal breath & voice power. Some out there will point out that real Tai Chi doesn't use any spirit shouts, just silent breathing. Ok, but then explain Tai Chi's "hen and ha" sounds - yes, important elements many tai chi players today leave out. But why? What about each organ having a sound, tonification is the idea. Sound - vibration. Vibration is just about everything that exists!
There are some universal breathing forms out there. Iron thread set, san chin, tensho, go cho kuen, yogas praniyama and more. I'll say again, voice and breath are partners. Some think that Sanchin kata is a form which only certain types of Okinawan karate use. But, Kung fu also uses the Sanchin form. Here is an interesting comparison between Kung Fu, Karate and it's variations. I have done Sanchin & Go Cho-Kuen since I was a boy. White Crane as well. So these sets and the breathing they teach are my friends. I could go on and on about how they develop you. How they change your physical body - similar to the I-chin-ching muscle change classic. 
Here are some further insights you may find helpful. Then again, some will not, they will mock this stuff as the fools they are. So be it then, no offense taken. 


~ SHAMANIC SIGHT: The Second Attention / Making the Shift ~
The Second Attention practice is an eye movement exercise that resets our sensory coordinates to zero. Reading the Chakras comes next. Insights From the Four Winds 
The first and the second attention. How they work, understanding what the heck is being said in such circles. This article will help you grasp the 1rst & 2nd attentions better. Using the eyes in ways different from our daily manner is part of the learning task before you. Magic Eye and Hawkeen training do help. As well as using glasses with amber-brown colored lens. Talking of this doesn't do anything. Practice, attempt, discover. Self knowledge is the best!

Many emailed me. Each expressed a reason they missed the old bug blog - roach rant page. It was fun. I guess I did not realize the role it played in the bigger picture. My oversight, forgive me! So here we go, as I promised to many of you I have returned. A new incarnation of course. A new past life to live again & remember in the next. Like a cyber-elephant, the internet never forgets. I'll be plucking some choice wisps of smoke and mist from the great void to share with you. Enjoyment, entertainment & enlightenment will be our axiom. An open mind and a good heart can take one far. And yes, we've quite a ways to go, so doing these things will help you reach the plateau of higher consciousness much sooner. After all, martial endeavor is about higher knowledge, higher thought, loftier goals and the betterment of our fellow men - all done through the clever construct of the ancient martial arts. As we know, nothing lasts forever. Life itself is fleeting. No day is like the one before it, each is unique. A great deal of life is here & gone. Cherry blossoms in the wind, souls & dreams each fallen petal seems. But of the wind, it is the bringer of freedom to the blossoms.  Not a destroyer. The petals are not gone, just transported to another place courtesy of the wind. This page will reflect such belief. Sometimes here and then gone!  The mysteries of life / it's impact intact to be exact.

WHY the Name? A scent of copal? An odd choice, does it have a meaning or relevance to me?
Ok, let me explain then. It's fairly simple, it revolves around good memories. I won't go into great detail, but enough so you'll 'get it'. Thanx for your understanding and patience! 
A long time ago I went through a series of ceremonies. They happened over a wide period of time. One of the memorable ones involved the smell-scent of copal. A Mayan (Lacadon) fellow brought some from Mexico. That ceremony was a turning point for me. The heady smell of copal has ever since been a trigger for my inner senses to come forth. A wonderful gift from a wonderful scent. A similar thing came from my Yoga teacher Ananda - but the scent was sandalwood. Many times a guru, an experience or vision is represented or remembered in the old way, by scent. It is that state of mind I hope to communicate to you with while working on this blog. Hence the name and it's backstory. . . I've burn't the ships symbolically speaking, there is no going back now. The good heart, the good day, going forward is the only way. Walk with me
A Scent of Copal