For more on the "flier phenomenon" please refer to my pages here and here. Therein are pictures and data relating to orbs and related experiences. Many explanations have been put forth as to what orbs may actually be. I have only compiled a logical array of data and sources for YOU to research as I have done. My opinions on orbs remain mine. But whatever "they" are, many have seen & sensed their presence. Some very credible sources have also captured orbs on film inadvertently.
You know amigos the times are changng. Peoples lives, souls and minds are being shredded. It is no accident that both Datu Worden and myself at the ROS had healers present. As much as we need protective abilities, we also need healing abilities. It's simply getting to be that kind of world anymore.
Native American culture is on an upswing. Hearts are being called back to the Earth mother. Many of you feel it's pull and feel the truth of my words in your chests and stomachs. It was ALWAYS in my plan to operate the ROS on sacred ground. It's always been there. Even naming the Chinook folder was in direct line with constant conciousness. Every move "special"... was it coincidence that we had the ROS 2003 right on the full moon ? (When telepathy, astral travel & remote viewing are their easiest). No accident, guided by the spirit and set in stone long ago. The time is right to share, to speak of these things that so many of us have for so long kept hidden. Fearful of ridicule, wary of being branded a nut. Seeing things from the corners of your eyes, flits, flickers & shadows. But always writing it off as a trick of light or eye strain. Admit it, many of you see them too. With spirit-vision (a gift aquired w/ prayer inside the Inipi) it is much easier to discern the beings as they come and go. Alarming at first, but then one gets used to it. The Government doesn't want us speaking with the dead. Soon, it will be illegal I believe. OK, BACK to the Riddle of Steel ..... |

Special Thanx goes out to Captain Dan, Earl, Kristi, Jim, Jim K, Jill K & Jake K (and Beamers Jet Boats). |

Paladin Press (Mike Janich) provided a box full of unique giveaways and door prizes. Videos and books that were in line with Comtech training. As an example, Dwight McLemore's fantastic Bowie Knife book, Loriega's Sevillian Steel, Legacy of Steel tapes and more. Shomertec law enforcement catalogs went out to all. It was Shomertec that provided gifts such as the Emerson non-metallic Kerambit, Datu Wordens new "travel-Tool" weapon and more. Gosh, it was a bountiful harvest of pirate booty for all Riddlers thanks to these wonderful sponsors. Remember, I solicited none of these items. These companies and people did this on their own, from the heart. Thank you! May they all find success and happiness.
Comtech also threw in a tactical mix of freebies and items far too diverse to list here. It was like a warriors cutlery heaven or something. Everyone was a winner, it seemed to good to be true. Such is the power of the good heart path. Such is the way of the life saving blade that I espouse. It brings reward to those who are sincere. Perhaps even you my dear reader will join us someday, huh? I hope so, I'd lay odds you'd like it too. (Well, there's your invitation amigo, now it's in your hands).

One of the slickest aspects to this years training was the addition of the high quality training knives from Spyderco. What a wonderful gesture! Sal Glesser being an Riddle graduate himself gave every Riddler a new Temperance trainer. These units are great as is the real counterpart. Complete with fast draw sheaths these babies made a world of difference. Thanx goes out to Joyce, Sal and team Spyderco from all of the Riddlers! Premier products from the professional people at Spyderco (lucky Riddlers!). |

Many people rocked well at this Riddle. Scott and Doc K did a flexible weapon program that was par excellant! Brownie did a sharpening segment much to the delight of the Riddle family. Patton Knives was there, Rob donated a beautiful knife as a giveaway. Wendell Fox my long time friend and master knife maker presented me with an exquiste hand made battle axe. he too donated a knife. Bob from Survival Sheath was there. He made some slings and demonstrated the proper way to use one. Another slingman was my friend Santos, he made several slings w/ the Comtech logo on them. Many of the men had fun hurling rocks with their new toys for hours. (Some of the hand made, close quarter Comtech slings are still available, as are the new ROS / Comtech long sleeve shirts. Email me for availability. Master sheath maker and friend Mike Sastre came from River City Sheaths. He came in full form. He is not only a great sheath man, he is also a Comtech Bowie Instructor/graduate.

The 2003 Riddle of Steel Adventure Seminar and High Performance Knife Training Extravaganza |
The darkness arose from the heaving North Atlantic ocean like a living being. It engulfed the tiny jet speeding across it's great span. The two travelers on-board the jet had departed their homeland only hours before. They noticed how the storm seemed to push them even faster toward their eventual goal, Comtech's Riddle of Steel 2003. The men were as sharp as the knives they carried, in their hearts they wondered what lay ahead of them. Fear is not in their vocabulary, they have steel in their eyes as well as in their hands and hearts. Afterall, they come from the land of the professional protector. Bodyguards to the Pope, a legendary race, men of the secret battles.

At the same moment at the foot of Oregons Blue Mountains I was loading the Jeep with goods and training gear. As I headed out of town I stopped to get famed spiritual advisor/ medicine man Santos Garcia. Accomplished Master, a magnificent leather crafter, local leader, friend and advisor on many things Comtechian. Together we began our personal phase of the journey. A Hajj it is indeed. The early light of dawn broke upon us at 70+ MPH still hours away from our destination. A strong tail wind, sign of a coming storm pushed us ever closer to the docks of departure for this years ROS 03.
Already ahead of the game, my seven friend's from southern California were checking in to the launch area lodging. Martial artist / motorcyclists all, this group of men moved as a single unit. One mind, one family, one goal...ROS 2003. Big Leo Peters, a legend himself and a Comtech Bowie Knife instructor came in from New Orleans. He made a last minute appearance, he decided to make this gathering at all costs. As night drew the lodge began to fill with with a variety of hard men. Glimpes of steel, tactical clothes and watchful eyes were all about. Riddler recognized Riddler by the "cut of their jib"... a bond was often established within moments of meeting. The often spoken of but rarely seen "flow" of events had begun. Just like the mighty Snake river which awaited us at dawn the next day, the so called "flow" was powerful. The winds swirled, the water roiled, and nature herself seemed to be aware of what was coming.

Loading the jet boats was fast. Departure was on time and the entire 37 man crew was anxious to get started.
The air was electric and this gave energy to those weary warriors who had traveled so far and who had sacrificed so much to attend. Tactics and combat orientation were ahead of them, as was healing, rest and peace all which the canyon offered. We had entered the sacred land of the Nez Perce and anything was suddenly possible to us.
Within an hour we reached the lower lodge, stopping for fuel and food was the plan. Basically a river "pit-stop" before actually entering Hells Canyon itself. A veritable kings fare of various goodies, drinks and snacks had been laid out for us. The Riddlers needed little coaxing to begin ripping into the tasty grub before once more hitting the boats for the long ride upriver.

We were headed to the upper lodge at a sandbar oasis on the Snake River known to the "Hellers" as Copper Creek (that's said "Copper Crick"). "Hellers" are fellers who regularly run the rapids of the Snake river in Hells Canyon. In fact our craft was named the "Rapid Runner" and indeed it turned out to be true. Passing through three states and many terrains Hells Canyon is the deepest gorge on the continent. Just over seven thousand feet deep, Hells Canyon is the womb of the continent and the home of all Comtech knifemen. It is our spiritual "center" and well-spring.
Arriving earlier than expected we dis-embarked just after one in the afternoon. The lodge was waiting for us and we went up the hill toward the various rustic cabins we were to call home. The weather was perfect for the event, warmer than any of us anticipated it being since it was so late into October. But the Canyon embraced her sons once again, it had been too long away for many of us. We were finally home and the training was to begin!

We lead off with an orientation, basically the do's and dont's of the Riddle and of the Canyon itself. The concept behind this years theme of "Be Trained or be Chained"is fairly obvious. Either have your shit together and live as a man, a warrior who trains regularly. Or plan on living with todays chaos and terror as if you were chained in a dungeon of fear. Being fearless men, we choose to stay strong. Training kicked in and the Riddlers went to work! Few realized this was to be one of the all time great Riddles of history. Yes my friend, I said History. The Riddle of Steel is a legend in these parts, the river people speak of it in hushed tones with awe. We are now a part of a greater picture, in some ways we have united history and myth. A unique hybrid which could only be spawned in a place such as Hells Canyon in the American west. |
Fuelling Up at the lower lodge. A Pit-stop for food and fuel. |
My junk room hooch, not bad, but I've seen better too... (sigh) ! |
A laughable note and somewhat of a zen-like turnabout, I had secured my bunk.. or so I thought. But, a problem arose in dealing with that room. And what was left for me was the so called "junk room". A cabin which was being used to store things and not setup as quarters. Well, needless to say, that is where Uncle Jim ended up. Ha Ha Ha ! A little joke on me, nothing bad, just inconvenient. Ah, better me than one of my beloved clients from afar, eh? At night the liitle woodpile next to my bed on the floor would move. But, the tiny denizens of that place stayed where they should and cohabitation with them was tolerable. No shower, no toilet or water proved to be at times awkward, I endeavored to perservere and did. No sweat, I'm Jim Keating (he can do anything ya know)? |

Awakening stiff and cold (since this room had no heat) I headed for the cook shack. There hot coffee awaited since Cindy our wonderful cook had gotten up early to make sure we had a good start to our day. The food this time was simply awesome! A stunning array of culinary bounty & beverage that warrior kings like the Riddlers deserved. Prime rib, salmon, chicken, shrimp, bacon and eggs, hotcakes, beer, wine, desserts and delights! The food at the Riddle is always world class. Cindy, Russ and his sister took care of the Riddlers in fine form. For this we thank them from our hearts. I hope the company realizes what they have there in these folks. |

Anyway I digress, after getting my coffee I walked toward the river. Earlier a cougar had been spotted about camp. Since this year seems to be a strange time for big cat activities I advanced slowly scanning about. Lions in these mountains are numerous, they are the norm, not the exception. The sky was turning a brilliant color, soon the face of old Sol (the sun) would appear over the mountain tops of the Seven Devils. From the vantage I had being on a slope above the river I spotted a flier (also called a "photosphere" or orb). My spirit-vision was working full force and had detected the glow. Having only my digital camera on me I snapped off a fast shot not knowing if I caught the fleeting image or not. Turns out I did. There is an old Native American saying that when you see a skyline colored as this one was it means your prayers will be heard and answered. I knew this was a good sign for all. I offered tobacco in the good way, prayers said for all and headed back to my hooch to prepare for the days training. |

Click here to add your text. |
Looking down toward the river you can see the boat. In front of it is a sphere or orb. It hovers just over the pathway. The sky colorization is wonderful. The rows of trees (at left) are what make the picture look like there are lines in it. |

I suppose I could tell you the details of the training. But, perhaps others will tell of it in there own way. I shall address the Riddle training in general. To give you an idea of what transpired within the alloted time frame is my goal. Now mind you dear readers, "training" takes many shapes. It happens in countless ways. So when I describe the training it will maybe be closer to documenting a flow of life "experiences". Training as we know it today is an easily forgotten subject according to Comtech doctrine. An "experience" on the other hand is never forgotten. So it is that one of the secret principles of the Comtech trilogy of victory/success comes forth. So it is that we seek to provide experiences for our clients, hence fulfilling our mission statement to all who enter into a training pact with us.
Initially there is always some hesitation for the new Riddlers. The old hands know the drill. This year we had an even mix of return clients and new individuals. It was as perfect as a tactical learning environment could hope to be. As tactics were taught and tossed about so also were discussed the differences between the knife which takes life and the knife which saves life. Maintaining a low key, legal approach to their efforts amounted to keeping silent about their abilities as well. Mountainman Lane Raper said it best, "never miss an opportunity to keep your mouth shut". Indeed, like a form of hidden wealth, the steel is the jewel in the pocket when your art is percieved in the correct manner. |

Developmental exercises abounded at this Riddle. In between training sessions we scheduled activities also. One time it was a hike. We took the high road onto the bluffs, I showed the Riddlers a cave or two. The so-called high road is actually the old Nez Perce trail. A ten thousand year old highway that has taken man and beast in and out of Hells Canyon since the dawn of time. A route so full of history that in it's own unique way it rivals the great Silk Road of China and the far east! No kidding, a living legacy (of steel?). The overhead picture of the jetboat was taken from the high Nez Perce trail. Another of our get-aways involved heading upriver. That gave the group a sense of time and space. They accustomed to the rarified dimension of being in such surroundings. The Riddlers had been fine tuned, exquisitely calibrated by Santos Garcia every moring at dawn and every evening at nightfall. Everyone was sensitive to the Canyons spirit and to spirits of the canyon. |

The Riddlers peer inside the cave as I shoot a picture outwards from the inside-out perspective. The cave entrance is pyramid shaped. |
Night always saw us gathering into small groups to make our plans and review the days activities. Many went to the beach, where the water spoke to them in ever changing voices. To see the glow of a cigarette off the water and the flicker of shiny steel under the full moon was an cool sight to behold. Some had slipped off into the nearby hills. Climbing to a high vantage points to watch the moon and to train. They held council in many languages and thought of their homes and kin. Myself, I was a guardian angel (yes, from the Church of the Holy Thunder) who watched over them all. Moving silently to and fro I watched the invisible web of steel form. Utah Ray Smith had presented me with an outstanding Randall Knife as a gift. Thanx Ray! I wore it at night along with a stainless steel .44 magnum while on my appointed Riddle rounds.

Understand that I am a man who loves and presevers everything in nature, but I am also fully aware of natures deadly and unforgiving side as well. In order to walk with lions and feel comfortable, you must be a lion yourself. In those silent times I saw the future being created in the present. Time and space meant nothing to me, I was free at last. The stars, the cold night air and the large owl over my head seemed to concur. The heavens slowly wheeled overhead, the stars dimmed and I dozed on and off. The day was coming soon. Man, did my back ache! |

Many people rocked well at this Riddle. Scott and Doc K did a flexible weapon program that was par excellant! Brownie did a sharpening segment much to the delight of the Riddle family. Patton Knives was there, Rob donated a beautiful knife as a giveaway. Wendell Fox my long time friend and master knife maker presented me with an exquiste hand made battle axe. he too donated a knife. Bob from Survival Sheath was there. He made some slings and demonstrated the proper way to use one. Another slingman was my friend Santos, he made several slings w/ the Comtech logo on them. Many of the men had fun hurling rocks with their new toys for hours. (Some of the hand made, close quarter Comtech slings are still available, as are the new ROS / Comtech long sleeve shirts. Email me for availability. Master sheath maker and friend Mike Sastre came from River City Sheaths. He came in full form. He is not only a great sheath man, he is also a Comtech Bowie Instructor/graduate.

Wendell Fox presents me w/ a Combat Axe ! Custom Made: I like the two copper strips near the head and at the end. Note the horn butt cap on the axe. |
Bob loads his sling and gets set for a throw! |
Riddlers in the background standby for takeoff Go Bob go! We had been doing Bowie work on the sandbar along the river. Very cool ! |
One of the slickest aspects to this years training was the addition of the high quality training knives from Spyderco. What a wonderful gesture! Sal Glesser being an Riddle graduate himself gave every Riddler a new Temperance trainer. These units are great as is the real counterpart. Complete with fast draw sheaths these babies made a world of difference. Thanx goes out to Joyce, Sal and team Spyderco from all of the Riddlers! Premier products from the professional people at Spyderco (lucky Riddlers!). |

Paladin Press (Mike Janich) provided a box full of unique giveaways and door prizes. Videos and books that were in line with Comtech training. As an example, Dwight McLemore's fantastic Bowie Knife book, Loriega's Sevillian Steel, Legacy of Steel tapes and more. Shomertec law enforcement catalogs went out to all. It was Shomertec that provided gifts such as the Emerson non-metallic Kerambit, Datu Wordens new "travel-Tool" weapon and more. Gosh, it was a bountiful harvest of pirate booty for all Riddlers thanks to these wonderful sponsors. Remember, I solicited none of these items. These companies and people did this on their own, from the heart. Thank you! May they all find success and happiness.
Comtech also threw in a tactical mix of freebies and items far too diverse to list here. It was like a warriors cutlery heaven or something. Everyone was a winner, it seemed to good to be true. Such is the power of the good heart path. Such is the way of the life saving blade that I espouse. It brings reward to those who are sincere. Perhaps even you my dear reader will join us someday, huh? I hope so, I'd lay odds you'd like it too. (Well, there's your invitation amigo, now it's in your hands).

As all things must, the ROS 2003 slowly lost momentum as the final hours drew near. But the spirit of the men never waivered. They remained strong to the end. The closing ceremonies went smoothly. Shaun Eastman called out the names and they advanced to the line of the teachers who were shaking hands with each one. Sincere words were spoken. Awards given. I myself feel compelled to shout out my respect for two Riddlers in particular. Justin Quaid and Stephen Quaid who overcame great personal obstacles to attend. Men who have who set personal best goals in their lives and then went for them in the warrior way. A display of heart and warrior spirit that is rarely seen today. Good job lads, Uncle Jim Keating is truly proud of you. God bless you both and I hope someday to meet up with you again. Keep the spirit, I salute you! |

Hugs, goodbyes and yeah, maybe even a tear or two concluded this magnificent event. Every man wished it had been just a little longer, yet in his heart knowing that he must return to his own existence. The same existence which shall be forever enriched by this experience. For now, they are more than men, they are Riddlers and that is not something to be taken lightly. They have earned a right to be one of the tactical elite. They have walked the paths of power and have my respect and thanks, for it has never been about me, but always about them. Live life large my friends, I believe it's a Comtech world afterall!

The day went swiftly by, the boat was loaded and goodbyes said. And once again we were in dynamic motion. Skimming across the water headed toward our homes no matter how far away they may have been. Headed downstream we paused at Buffalo Eddy. A famous spot on the river. Glyphs and carvings abound.
We viewed the "Jean", beached on rugged shoreline. One of the last intact sternwheelers from the past. Her fate undecided as various civic groups strive to aquire funds to preserve her. Before we knew it the docks appeared and the tired Riddlers stepped off the boat and back into civilization. |
The ancient glyphs carved and painted upon the rocks at Buffalo Eddy is a site you will never forget. |
Riddler Visitor Count from Date 10/15/03 |
Special Thanx goes out to Captain Dan, Earl, Kristi, Jim, Jim K, Jill K & Jake K (and Beamers Jet Boats). |
<------------The Jungle Jet Boat |
<------------The Dawn Skyline |
<------------------------The Orb / Flier on the path |
The Snake River-------------> |
Dawn is a magical time in the canyon. We greeted the day with a salute to the sun. catching the first powerful rays as they burst across the rugged landscape. Employing a "mudra" which effects the time & space of the immediate surroundings.
The power of the place is tremendous. Even the dullest can feel it within. |

For more on the "flier phenomenon" please refer to my pages here and here. Therein are pictures and data relating to orbs and related experiences. Many explanations have been put forth as to what orbs may actually be. I have only compiled a logical array of data and sources for YOU to research as I have done. My opinions on orbs remain mine. But whatever "they" are, many have seen & sensed their presence. Some very credible sources have also captured orbs on film inadvertently.
You know amigos the times are changng. Peoples lives, souls and minds are being shredded. It is no accident that both Datu Worden and myself at the ROS had healers present. As much as we need protective abilities, we also need healing abilities. It's simply getting to be that kind of world anymore.
Native American culture is on an upswing. Hearts are being called back to the Earth mother. Many of you feel it's pull and feel the truth of my words in your chests and stomachs. It was ALWAYS in my plan to operate the ROS on sacred ground. It's always been there. Even naming the Chinook folder was in direct line with constant conciousness. Every move "special"... was it coincidence that we had the ROS 2003 right on the full moon ? (When telepathy, astral travel & remote viewing are their easiest). No accident, guided by the spirit and set in stone long ago. The time is right to share, to speak of these things that so many of us have for so long kept hidden. Fearful of ridicule, wary of being branded a nut. Seeing things from the corners of your eyes, flits, flickers & shadows. But always writing it off as a trick of light or eye strain. Admit it, many of you see them too. With spirit-vision (a gift aquired w/ prayer inside the Inipi) it is much easier to discern the beings as they come and go. Alarming at first, but then one gets used to it. The Government doesn't want us speaking with the dead. Soon, it will be illegal I believe. OK, BACK to the Riddle of Steel ..... |

Riddlers: Click on the God of the Underworld --------------------------------------------------> TARGET ! |